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Labour market negotiations in technology industries continued

Technology Industry Employers of Finland and the Industrial Union continued negotiations on new terms of employment for technology industries employees on Monday 6th. The views of the parties on the level of wage increases are still far apart.

The collective agreements of technology industries expired on Saturday 30 November 2024. Technology Industries Employers of Finland and the Industrial Union have a preliminary consensus on text issues, but views on pay increases are still far apart. The parties will resume negotiations on Thursday 9 January.

Negotiations will also continue on the terms and conditions of employment of salaried and senior salaried employees in manufacturing, the collective agreement for the IT services sector and the collective agreements for salaried and senior salaried employees in the design and consulting sector.

The situation of export companies is very serious and there is no sign of a turn for the better, according to both Technology Industries of Finland’s latest order book and personnel survey and the TeknoBaro survey of member companies conducted in December.

Of particular concern is the continued very weak situation in the largest sector, the machinery and metal products industry. The thinning of the order backlog has taken an exceptionally long time, and it was 17 per cent lower in early autumn than at the same time a year ago. Aggregate demand has also remained very weak.

“We need good intentions to strengthen growth, and employers still aim to negotiate an agreement that secures both the competitiveness of export companies and the long-term and responsible development of employees’ purchasing power,”  says CEO Jarkko Ruohoniemi.

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