New strike warnings were issued to the technology industry

The Industrial Union and the Trade Union Pro have announced that another work stoppage will start in several member companies of the Technology Industry Employers of Finland on 8 February 2023. Trade Union Pro have also announced that the union will start yet another work stoppage immediately after the second work stoppage. This work stoppage would start on 11 February 2023.
The second work stoppage will regard shifts that start between Wednesday 8 February 2023 00:00 and Friday 10 February 2023 23:59. The work stoppage that only the Trade Union Pro has announced will regard shifts that start between Saturday 11 February 2023 00:00 and Friday 17 February 2023 23:59.
Adding up more than 70 technology companies are covered by these new strike warnings. The industrial Union has also announced extension on the overtime ban which will be in force until 10 February 2023 23.00.
− Of course, trade unions have the right to strike, but this action is surprising. The mediation of previously announced strike threats has barely started, when new warnings are already coming, wonders Jarkko Ruohoniemi, the CEO of Technology Industry Employers of Finland.
− I hope that all the energy will now be used to seek an agreement and not to make new strike plans. It is in everyone’s interest that solutions arise as soon as possible. Purchasing power is created by working, Ruohoniemi reminds.
CEO Jarkko Ruohoniemi, tel. 040 833 9577