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Technology Industries Employers of Finland

Going forward, national collective agreements will be negotiated by Technology Industry Employers of Finland. The association will cooperate closely with Technology Industries of Finland.

Last modified 11.09.2024 at 13:58

The purpose of the association is to promote, in cooperation with Technology Industries of Finland, the technology industry and the operating conditions of related companies and associations. The aim is to ensure the conditions for the success of the Finnish technology industry in open, global competition.

In order to achieve its purpose, the association:

  • Develops the cooperation between its members and their employees. 
  • Takes actions to prevent and amicably resolve work disputes between its members and their employees, and supports and assists its members in work disputes.
  • Negotiates collective agreements for the sector and participates in the development of other contracting activities in the sector. 
  • Provides training and advice to its members in relation to applicable agreements and assists its members in matters related to the legislation applied to the sector.