The technology industry is powered by people. Membership and active involvement in Technology Industries of Finland puts a company – and its management and experts – in direct contact with other leading colleagues in the sector and an extensive flow of information.
Technology Industries of Finland’s members are employers that operate in either the mechanical engineering and metal products industry, electronics and electricity industry, IT sector, design and consultancy industry, or metal processing industry.
Members of Technology Industries of Finland are also members of the Confederation of Finnish Industries (EK).
Technology Industries of Finland is in charge of lobbying related to labour market and industrial policies, and helps member companies with employment-related issues.
Members of Technology Industries of Finland who want to sign national collective agreements and be involved in developing these agreements can apply for membership of Technology Industry Employers of Finland.
In order to become a member of Technology Industry Employers of Finland, you must also be a member of Technology Industries of Finland.
In other words, each member company can be a member of either Technology Industries of Finland or a member of both associations.
Technology Industry Employers of Finland acts as a sub-association of Technology Industries of Finland, and the associations work closely together.
The membership fee will be the same regardless of whether a company is a member of just Technology Industries of Finland or a member of both associations. Employment services will also be open to members of both organisations.
Membership fees will be confirmed on an annual basis at each association’s autumn meeting in accordance with their constitutions.
Membership Benefit from Both Services and Networks
As a member, you will benefit from over-the-phone advice, innovation activities, development projects, internationalisation services, and special services relating to SMEs, environmental issues and technical legislation.
The advisors and regional advisors of the Association advise member companies in employment affairs.
Our labour market unit provides assistance in interpreting and applying collective agreements and labour legislation; consulting services in a variety of development projects relating to working life and productivity; legal aid services; and training on employment-related issues.
Now that the labour market model has changed, it is also essential to include expertise and capabilities in making local agreements into the broad variety of support functions provided by Technology Industries of Finland.
Board Meetings 2025