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The Finnish technology industry has reduced its emissions significantly in recent years 

“Good news is that the companies’ revenue has increased without increasing the use of fossil fuels.”

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Finland set to play an outsized role in revitalizing the European chip industry

“The Chips from the North strategy unveiled recently highlights a promising opportunity for Finland’s growth: local semiconductor companies are projected to triple their turnover to EUR 5–6 billion by 2035.”

Joonas Mikkilä.

Current Affairs

EU AFfairs

Finnish Technology Industry and the EU

Technology Industries of Finland’s advocacy in the European arena focuses on a few key themes: data and AI, competitiveness, the green transition, and ‘Social Europe’.

European union flag against parliament in Brussels, Belgium.

Company Stories

Our Goals

Skilled Workforce

The need for skilled workers in an ageing Finland must be answered by facing the challenges related to skill quality and the size of the workforce. We need investments in higher and vocational education. Immigration must also become more streamlined.

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Labour Market

The rapid pace of technology is changing the world of work, skills and the needs for collective bargaining. Success for businesses and their employees will be guaranteed through local bargaining, workplace-specific collective agreements and good staff policy.

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Climate and Energy

Companies’ opportunities for cleantech investments must be improved through long-term energy, climate and industrial policy. The competitive advantage of Finland’s technological industrial companies is a cheap, emission-free energy system that is reliable in all conditions.

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Environment and Circular Economy

The green transition is not just a necessity: it is also a huge opportunity. The circular economy transition and the securing of biodiversity must be promoted with the interests of exports first, by removing regulatory obstacles and creating new markets for the circular economy. At the same time, raw materials which are critical for Finland must be charted.

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Corporate Responsibility

Responsibility is a significant competitive advantage for technology companies. To ensure sustainable, responsible growth, an EU-wide regulatory framework is needed for corporate responsibility. Global ground rules are needed for responsibility monitoring and reporting.

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Finland must become a more attractive investment. That will happen when we ensure that clean, reasonably priced electricity is available, we speed up permit procedures, make skilled labour more readily available, and boost the level of RDI done in companies.

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Economy and Taxation

Companies must enjoy predictable taxation and business environments. The public finances must be balanced, and care must be taken to ensure the corporation tax rate and system are competitive. To make work worthwhile, the long-term goal must be reducing income tax in all income classes, within the framework of what the public purse can afford.

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Digitalization and Data Economy

Society must make full use of the opportunities which digitalization provides. We must do this by accelerating digitalization in both the public sector and industry.

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Businesses’ research, development and innovation (RDI) must be funded through partnerships, public RDI funding, and increasing EU funding for Finland. That will encourage firms to create new export products and prosperity.

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