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Home » My dream job in Finland’s long-term interest continues

My dream job in Finland’s long-term interest continues

In November, I turn a new page in my career when I step into the role of CEO of Technology Industries of Finland. I’m unbelievably proud of this opportunity to steer the work of advocating and making an impact for Finland’s largest export industry.

I began as new Labour Market Director at Technology Industries of Finland over six years ago. Straight away, I visited SMEs, who make up 90% of our member companies. In company after company, I was profoundly impressed by the significant high-tech products and services they make in Finland and export globally. I got to learn about world-class skills and innovations. There are technology companies like this all over Finland. They are the backbone of the Finnish economy, employment and consequently the country’s welfare as a whole.

Every time I visit one of our member companies, I am very proud. I routinely ask: “why does your company, in particular, do well on international markets?” The answer is often more innovative technology, employees’ top-notch skills or uncompromising attitude, and constant development at every level of the company. We want to create even better conditions for our members to succeed, grow and invest. That’s why our team of experts at Technology Industries of Finland helps them succeed.

Advocating for businesses’ interests is now more demanding than ever because the business climate has become so uncertain and turbulent. The competitiveness of the EU as a whole, not just Finland, is a challenge for us.

We have to make sure that an ageing Finland can offer the skilled labour the technology sector needs in growing numbers, and that the technology sector appeals to workers of all ages. We have to be at the forefront of using AI, and we have to finally raise investments in R&D after years of talking about it. We have to turn investments into growth and dare to believe that the vanguard of sustainable development will be market winners. There’s a lot of work still to do to achieve a truly flexibly and company-centric labour market, while not forgetting workers’ welfare.

“We have to turn investments into growth and dare to believe that the vanguard of sustainable development will be market winners.”

Simply put, we have to be better than the rest in every sector to allow us to thrive in international competition. The success of technology industry companies, in particular, is critically important for Finland as a whole. The opportunities are immense, because there is a growing demand on global markets for sustainable technological solutions. They can be used to help solve major global problems: from an ageing population to tackling climate change.

Obviously, Technology Industries of Finland and its member companies can’t do all of this alone. We need partners, both in Finland and beyond. Guided by our values, we make an impact with an inquisitive mind and expertise. We offer solutions and value our partners, while also daring to challenge our own views. We don’t have to agree about everything. Under my leadership, Technology Industries of Finland is able and brave enough to have an open conversation about what is in Finland’s long-term interest. Right now, Finland needs bold initiatives and decisions to achieve growth.

I’ve already been in my dream job at Technology Industries of Finland for the past six years, so my main emotion is gratitude. It’s a privilege to do work in an industry which firmly sets its sights on the future. An industry that creates the solutions for a sustainable future.

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