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Personal data processing at Technology Industries of Finland

Last modified 16.08.2024 at 15:16

Technology Industries of Finland (0215289-2) 
Eteläranta 10 
tel. +358 9 19231 

 What data do we process? 

Technology Industries of Finland acts as the data controller together with its member associations and subsidiary, Teknologiainfo Teknova Oy (Teknova). It processes personal data for the following purposes:

Our stakeholders include the following key persons and organisations with respect to Technology Industries of Finland, its member associations and Teknova: 

The stakeholder-related data that we process includes a person’s contact details, their position in the organisation and, if applicable, their dietary restrictions in connection with event organisation. We collect information from either the data subjects themselves or public sources, such as organisations’ websites and professional publications. We also obtain information about representatives of member companies from the Confederation of Finnish Industries’ member and stakeholder register. 

We use cookies to monitor the usage of our websites. and the Teknologiateollisuus Member Site use the external website analytics service Piwik PRO. It generates anonymous statistical reports on website visits. Piwik PRO uses its own cookie and does not rely on external parties. The user’s anonymity is ensured through Piwik PRO’s features, such as IP address anonymization.

Additionally, the Teknologiateollisuus Member Site logs the registration of members who log in, and this information is stored in Teknologiateollisuus’ CRM system during the login process. However, no behavioral data is collected in a way that would allow the information to be linked to individuals.

Furthermore, the websites of industry associations that are part of Teknologiateollisuus use the Google Analytics analytics tool. These sites also use cookies for marketing and sharing content on social media. Consent for these cookies is requested via a cookie banner. You can also disable third-party cookies in your browser settings. From the website usage, we collect information such as the IP address used, the browser used for the visit, the time of the visit, the username, the type of device used (mobile device/computer), and the page from which the user arrived on our site. The information is processed statistically and is not linked to individual users.

When compiling wage and salary statistics, we also process company information and category data, such as information about a person’s gender or occupational status. However, we do not collect any data from which an individual person can be identified.

Why is data being processed? 

We use personal data for: 

Our processing of personal data is based on our legitimate interest, with the exception of website cookies, the use of which is based on the consent of the website visitor. A website user may withdraw their consent at any time via their browser settings – see our cookie policy for more detailed instructions on this. 

Technology Industries of Finland has used a balance test created by the Office of the Ombudsman for Data Protection to assess whether its interest can be considered a legitimate basis for data processing. Technology Industries of Finland is the lobbying organisation for technology industry companies, and promotes competitiveness and operating conditions for both its member companies and the sector in general. For this purpose, Technology Industries of Finland has grounds to process stakeholders’ personal data in order to send communications, provide member services and ensure the functionality of its website. Technology Industries of Finland has a legitimate interest for processing personal data in the form of wage and salary statistics in order to monitor wage developments and make cost-impact assessments for labour market negotiations.

Information received via the anonymous reporting channel only includes personal data if the person making the report decides to make their identity known. 

Who processes data? 

Only designated persons can process personal data at Technology Industries of Finland, its member associations and Teknova. We may transfer data to selected partners in order for them to process data, for instance, for the following purposes: 

We ensure that any parties who process data on our behalf are committed to complying with data protection regulations and ensuring the information security of their systems. Data processors are only granted access to the information necessary for performing their assigned tasks.

Data is only processed within the EU. No data is used for automated decision-making, such as profiling.

For how long will data be stored? 

As a rule, we process data for as long as the data subject performs duties that are connected with Technology Industries of Finland’s activities. We have specified deletion periods for other processing functions, and remove unnecessary data accordingly on an annual basis. 

We endeavour to ensure that data is always up to date, and we will remove any erroneous data.

Your rights 

You have the right to influence the processing of your data:  

To exercise any of these rights, please email us at