TIF participates in UN Climate Change Conference

Technology Industries of Finland will participate in the UN Climate Change Conference, COP-28, at the turn of November and December and will be present in Finland's first own pavilion at the Climate Change Conference. The aim is to showcase Finland's new low-carbon technology solutions and the role of Finnish companies in solving climate challenges.
The UN climate conference COP-28 will take place from 30 November to 12 December in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. COP is the biggest international environmental event of the year, and this year one of the key topics is the five-year review of the Paris Agreement. For the first time, Finland will have its own pavilion at the COP Blue Zone, where 60 000-80 000 accredited visitors are expected.
The aim of the Technology Industries of Finland (TIF) is to make Finnish ambitious climate goals and solutions globally visible and to make Finland an attractive investment destination. The theme is We do good – Net positive corporate responsibility, which will be on display in the Finnish pavilion and in a panel discussion on Saturday 2 December. Prime Minister Petteri Orpo will give the opening speech. In addition to Technology Industries of Finland, the panel includes its member companies KONE, SSAB and Outokumpu, as well as a representative of the Finnish Hydrogen Cluster, and several Finnish technology companies are prominently involved in the climate conference.
– Our themes and panels will highlight the Finnish technology industry’s ambitious and low-carbon solutions that will enable Finland’s economy to grow sustainably and meet its climate targets by 2035. We will show that Finland is among the first countries globally to achieve this goal and highlight how we are promoting the goal through cooperation between the private and public sectors and civil society, says Annukka Saari, Head of Climate and Energy, Technology Industries of Finland.
Technology Industries of Finland, industry companies and the Finnish Hydrogen Cluster will present solutions related to new key technologies and the electrification of industrial processes, which is one of the most important ways to achieve carbon neutrality.
– Finland has all the prerequisites to act as a pioneer and international partner in clean energy, responsible business, and climate footprint. And our message in Dubai is that Finland’s low-carbon solutions also improve the conditions for human well-being. This includes social responsibility, such as promoting equality and diversity, as a very important element. In this way, long-term, sustainable solutions will be made globally, says Saari.
Finnish technology industry companies and panelists in Dubai:
- SSAB will deliver Finland’s largest single emission reduction, when the hydrogen-reduction steel production process developed by the steel mill is introduced in the 2030s. The emission reduction potential is up to 7% of Finland’s total emissions and will also have a significant impact on Finland’s ability to meet its national climate targets.
- The Outokumpu steel plant is the largest materials recycling plant in Europe. Outokumpu’s stainless steel production already relies on the recovery of steel and iron scrap, and their stainless-steel production has one of the best carbon footprints in the industry. Global investment in cleaner steel production is urgently needed to limit the global average temperature rise to less than 1.5 degrees celsius. Nordic steel players have the opportunity to profile themselves as leaders of the global transition.
- KONE is committed to sustainable business practices. KONE is a signatory to the UN Global Compact initiative, supporting the UN Sustainable Development Agenda, which takes into account the social, economic and environmental aspects of corporate responsibility. KONE is well positioned to develop a circular economy and sustainable business, as up to 90% of the metals used in its products can currently be recycled.
- On 27 June, the Finnish Hydrogen Cluster published a hydrogen economy strategy that sets out how business and government can work together to make Finland a leading country in the hydrogen economy. In addition to the Federation of Finnish Technology Industries, the hydrogen cluster network includes a large number of companies and industry associations.