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Climate and Energy

Companies’ opportunities for cleantech investments must be improved through long-term energy, climate and industrial policy. The competitive advantage of Finland’s technological industrial companies is a cheap, emission-free energy system that is reliable in all conditions.

Last modified 05.09.2024 at 09:40

The average rise of the Earth’s temperature must be limited to 1.5°C. Under the European Climate Law, greenhouse gas emissions must be reduced in all sectors to ensure carbon neutrality by 2050. Long-term energy, climate and industrial policy are among the most important tools for achieving the carbon neutrality goal, as well as for accelerating companies’ investments in sustainable business and clean technology.

The role of Technology Industries Finland (TIF) is to improve firms’ opportunities for making cleantech investments, which will be used to create globally sustainable growth to achieve climate goals. TIF supports a vision of Finland as a clean energy pioneer whose competitive advantage is a cheap, emission-free and always reliable energy system.

  1. We must adhere to the climate goals. Adhering to and advancing ambitious sustainable goals on the international level is important, as they create the markets for clean solutions. At the EU level, new guidance mechanisms must be created on market terms as an alternative to detailed regulation.
  2. Society and industry will increasingly use electrical energy. A smart energy system should ensure clean, reliable, reasonably priced electricity for businesses and households.
  3. Finland must advocate for higher energy efficiency. In a society converting to more electricity use, the consumption of emission-free energy should not be limited. Energy efficiency agreements are functional, cost-effective means to achieve energy efficiency requirements — both in Finland and the EU.
  4. We must create a favourable environment for investments. Finland must be a stable, predictable target for new technological investments. We will make an active impact on EU policy, ensuring it promotes the demand for the best and highest-impact solutions and that detrimental intra-EU state aid is scrapped under the next Commission. In Finland, permit procedures for projects must be smooth.
  5. The large handprint of technology industries must increase in size. The technologies and services developed and sold by Finnish technology industry companies will leave a significant positive handprint globally. With the TIF low-carbon road map, we visibly display which actions, requirements and costs are needed for society to travel towards carbon neutrality.