World Economic Outlook
On this page, you will find a summary of the global economic outlook:
On this page, you will find an up-to-date summary of the global economic outlook. The Finnish technology industry is highly export-driven, accounting for over half of Finland’s exports. Approximately 80–90 percent of the industry’s production is exported, making it heavily dependent on developments in the global economy.
Interest rate trends, inflation, and GDP development in key markets for the technology industry
Purchasing Manager Indices
The volume of industrial production worldwide
The volume of goods exports worldwide
Consumer Confidence
Structural data on the global economy and population
Interest rate trends, inflation, and GDP development in key markets for the technology industry
Inflation and Key Interest Rates in the United States and the Euro Area
GDP growth forecast for USA, euro area, China and India
GDP growth %
GDP development in selected European countries and the United States
Index, 2008=100
Exchange Rates
Index chart, 2019=100. When the curve rises, the value of the euro strengthens relative to the respective currency.
Purchasing Manager Indices
Purchasing Managers’ Indexes (PMIs) are good indicators of overall economic trends. If the PMI value is above 50, it signals growth. If the value is below 50, it indicates a decline in production.
Private sector (services & manufacturing) Purchasing Managers’ Index (PMI), United States and Euro Area
Ostopäällikköindeksi, euroalue, palvelut ja teollisuus
Manufacturing Purchasing Managers’ Index (PMI), United States and Euro area
Manufacturing Purchasing Managers’ Indices (PMIs) in Europe
The volume of industrial production worldwide
Industrial Production Volume Index, Finland, Germany, EU27, and the United States
Index, 2019=100.
Volume of industrial production in some EU-countries
Seasonally adjusted industrial production volume indices, 2010=100.
The volume of goods exports worldwide
Development of Goods Export Volumes in Different Regions
Index, 2010=100
Goods Export Volume, Developed & Developing Regions
Index, 2010=100
Consumer Confidence
Consumer Confidence in Euro Area
Consumer Confidence in Different European Countries
Consumer Confidence in China and USA
Structural data on the global economy and population
The global economy, GDP development in different countries and regions, including forecasts
Index, 2010=100
GDP Amount in Different Countries and Regions, Including Forecast
At current prices, billion USD
Population development in different countries and regions, index chart
Index chart, 2010=100
Population Growth in Different Countries and Regions, Number
Population, millions