
Transport Workers' Union strike stops technology industries' exports, trade unions join in starting strikes

Transport Workers' Union AKT announced that it will close Finland's harbours on Friday 18 September 2015 for 24 hours from 6 a.m. onwards. This will stop approximately 90% of technology companies' export.

In practice, the value of the undelivered exports in the technology industry is 66 million euros. Despite the fact that a part of the products can be delivered to orderers delayed, the break in the logistics chain will cause companies' reputation significant harm. In global markets, guaranteed delivery is a key competition factor.

AKT will also start a lorry drivers' strike from midnight Friday until 6 p.m. on Saturday. This strike will also cause harm for technology industries' deliveries.

"AKT's actions will jeopardise Finnish companies' reliability in international markets. With its actions, AKT is hindering Finland's difficult economic situation even more. Industries have already lost 100,000 jobs since 2008", says Eeva-Liisa Inkeroinen, Labour Market Director at the Federation of Finnish Technology Industries.

The Finnish Metal Workers' Union announced its support of the central organisations' demonstration on Friday. However, Metal Workers' Union has left the decisions for measures and the scale thereof to be made at workplaces. Employers are to be informed about the measures on Tuesday 15 September 2015.

Trade Union Pro announced that it will interrupt work on Friday between 6 a.m. and 12 a.m. and Electrical Workers' Union between 6 a.m. and 6 p.m. Senior salaried employees join the central organisations' demonstration, but have not made a decision on the strike.

"The strikes at the areas of agreement of the Federation of Finnish Technology Industries are coming at a bad time. The economic situation is historically weak and using the strike weapon is making the situation even more difficult. I'm worried that more jobs will be lost", says Inkeroinen.

More details on the strike situation will be sent electronically to the member companies of the Federation of Finnish Technology Industries in the form of a member newsletter.