Webinar on EU Funding Opportunities 23.1.2023

The European Commission supports the European RDI collaboration and investment initiatives to accelerate the green and digital transition of European businesses by billions of euros every year.

Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, Business Finland, the Chemical Industry Federation of Finland, Finnish Forest Industries Federation, Finnish Energy, and Technology Industries of Finland are organizing a national webinar to help businesses to get involved in European collaboration and to take advantage of European funding opportunities.

In the first part of the webinar, we will focus on programs such as Horizon Europe and the opportunities they provide to businesses and discuss the objectives for Finland’s participation in the EU initiatives by 2027.

During the second part we are pleased to welcome the representatives of the EC DG Clima and CINEA to join the webinar. They will tell us about the recently opened EU Innovation Fund’s 3rd call for large-scale projects and share lessons learnt from the previous application rounds. Available funding is 3 billion euros.

The first part of the webinar will be in Finnish, whereas the second part will be held in English.

Part I on HEU and objectives for Finland’s participation in the EU RDI initiatives by 2027

13.30 Webinar Opening – Marja Rankila, Senior Advisor, Finnish Energy
13.35 What opportunities Horizon Europe and other EU funding instruments provide to
businesses in 2023 - Elina Holmberg, Senior Director, EU and Intern. Cooperation, Business
14.00 Objectives for Finland’s participation in the EU RDI initiatives by 2027 - Mervi Karikorpi,
Head of EU Innovation and Industrial Policies, Technology Industries of Finland TIF
14.15 Reflections on the proposed 2027 objectives
- Elina Holmberg, Senior Director, EU and Intern. Cooperation, Business Finland
- Marjaana Suorsa, Manager, Innovation policy, Finnish Forest Industries
- Sampo Ahonen, COB of Pesmel Oy, Chair of the Innovation and Competitiveness WG of TIF
14.40 Questions and answers – Facilitated by Marja Rankila, Senior Advisor, Finnish Energy
14.55 A Five-minute break

Part II on the EU Innovation Fund

15.00 Opening of the second part of the webinar - Juho Korteniemi, Chief Specialist, Ministry of
Economic Affairs and Employment
15.05 Innovation Fund – The third call for large projects and lessons learnt from the previous
- Carla Benauges, Policy Officer, European Commission, DG CLIMA
- Gianluca Tondi, Head of Sector, CINEA
- Alexandre Cobbaert · Senior Financial Engineering Manager, CINEA

15.45 Questions and answers – Facilitated by Juho Korteniemi, Chief Specialist, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment
16.00 Webinar ends

For further information please contact Mervi Karikorpi mervi.karikorpi(at)techind.fi

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