Circular Economy Playbook
This playbook is tailored to companies in the Finnish manufacturing industry giving examples for the following four sub-sectors: (1) Machinery & Equipment, (2) Marine, (3) Energy and (4) Transportation.
It specifically addresses companies that want to
- Better meet customer expectations and deliver customer outcomes
- Enable outcome-oriented solutions and new levels of efficiency through technology and digitalisation
- Improve resource utilisation and mitigate risk from regulatory, investor and societal pressure
Download the free Playbook and tools
Download the Playbook with all the chapters and company examples from here. Below you can find all the tools related to each chapter.
Chapter 1: Why circular economy?
Understand the advantages and untapped value potential of the circular economy.
Chapter 2: What opportunities exist?
Assess your company’s current state and identify the circular business models that can help you.
A set of tools support you in identifying the most relevant circular business model(s) for your company:
- Business model development toolkit
Set of exercises for identifying inefficiencies and customer paint points, assessing relevance of circular business models, and prioritising them. (Required time: 30-60 min) - Value case tool
Tool for calculating high-level business case for circular business models. (Required time: 60 min)
Chapter 3: Which capabilities are required?
Organisational requirements: understand which cababilities are needed to operate your selected model(s).
Tool to help you to understand your starting point and areas to develop:
- Capability maturity assessment
Tool for assessing your company’s maturity in the circular capabilities and identifying which capabilities to develop internally and which ones to outsource for external partners. (Required time: 15 min)
Chapter 4: Which technologies can support the circularity?
Explore technologies that can enable your selected model(s) and assess your technology maturity.
Tool to support you in prioritising which technologies to focus on:
- Technology maturity assessment tool
Tool for assessing your company’s maturity in the technologies enabling circular business models, and prioritising those for development.(Required time: 20 min)
Chapter 5: How to design the transformation journey?
Understand the key steps, common barriers and success factors. Design a transformation roadmap.
Various tools help you get started with your circular transformation journey:
- Culture gap analysis
Tool for analysing how circular your current company culture is and outlining activities to bridge identified culture gaps. (Required time: 15 min) - Ecosystem partner identification
Tool for identifying external partners that can help in bridging internal capability and technology gaps. (Required time: 15 min) - Funding requirement analysis
Tool for reflecting on funding requirements of your selected circular business model. (Required time: 15 min) - Roadmap development
Tool for planning your circular transformation journey, including list of activities and key milestones. (Required time: 30–45 min) - Business model canvas
Tool for crystallising your circular business model by reflecting on its key building blocks, including your value proposition, infrastructure, customers and financing. (Required time: 20–30min.)
Kiertotalouden sovellusopas yrityksille
Osataanko yrityksessänne jo hyödyntää kiertotalouden uusia liiketoimintamalleja? Sitran ja Teknologiateollisuus ry:n julkaisema kiertotalouden pelikirja tarjoaa ohjeet ja strategian kiertotalouden liiketoimintamallien kehittämiseen ja käyttöönottoon.
Käsikirja esittelee viisi kiertotalouden liiketoimintamallia:
- Jakamisalustat (sharing platform): yhteisten jakoalustojen hyödyntäminen käytössä, saavutettavuudessa tai omistuksessa, esimerkiksi vajaakäytössä olevien koneiden ja tavaroiden vuokraaminen tai vaihto
- Kiertoihin perustuvat toimitusketjut (a circular supply chain): kierrätettävien materiaalien ja uusiutuvan energian käyttö sekä resurssitehokkaisiin kiertoihin perustuvat ratkaisut
- Tuote palveluna (product as a service): palvelujen tarjoaminen tuotteiden sijaan
- Tuotteen elinkaaren pidentäminen (product life extension): tuotteen elinkaaren pidentäminen ennakoivalla huollolla, uudelleenmyynnillä ja uudelleenvalmistuksella
- Kierrätys ja kiertoon palauttaminen (recovery and recycling): elinkaarensa loppuun tulleiden tuotteiden ja raaka-aineiden takaisinkeräys ja uudelleenhyödyntäminen