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Etusivu Circular Economy Playbook

Circular Economy Playbook

Päivitetty 26.08.2024 klo 15:06

Circular Economy business models for Finnish SMEs in the manufacturing industries provided by Sitra, Technology Industries of Finland and Accenture Strategy.


This playbook is tailored to companies in the Finnish manufacturing industry giving examples for the following four sub-sectors: (1) Machinery & Equipment, (2) Marine, (3) Energy and (4) Transportation.

It specifically addresses companies that want to

Download the free Playbook and tools

Download the Playbook with all the chapters and company examples from here. Below you can find all the tools related to each chapter.

kiertotalouden liiketoimintamallit

Chapter 1: Why circular economy?

Understand the advantages and untapped value potential of the circular economy.

Chapter 2: What opportunities exist?

Assess your company’s current state and identify the circular business models that can help you.

A set of tools support you in identifying the most relevant circular business model(s) for your company:

Chapter 3: Which capabilities are required?

Organisational requirements: understand which cababilities are needed to operate your selected model(s).

Tool to help you to understand your starting point and areas to develop:

Chapter 4: Which technologies can support the circularity?

Explore technologies that can enable your selected model(s) and assess your technology maturity.

Tool to support you in prioritising which technologies to focus on:

Chapter 5: How to design the transformation journey?

Understand the key steps, common barriers and success factors. Design a transformation roadmap.

Various tools help you get started with your circular transformation journey:

Kiertotalouden sovellusopas yrityksille

Osataanko yrityksessänne jo hyödyntää kiertotalouden uusia liiketoimintamalleja? Sitran ja Teknologiateollisuus ry:n julkaisema kiertotalouden pelikirja tarjoaa ohjeet ja strategian kiertotalouden liiketoimintamallien kehittämiseen ja käyttöönottoon. 

Käsikirja esittelee viisi kiertotalouden liiketoimintamallia: